sound notification on exceeding the thresholds
light indication on the device about exceeding the thresholds
degree of protection IP67
Bluetooth data transfer without connection
Вы установили термометр на кронштейне в детской комнате, включили Приложение на своём телефоне и теперь постоянно контролируете температуру в детской, где бы не находились в квартире. Вы сможете вовремя узнать об открывшейся форточке или двери в комнату, вовремя приоткрыть кран на радиаторе отопления, если увидите, что температура стала медленно снижаться.
На улице зима. Пришло время прогулки. И, как обычно, стоит сакраментальный вопрос: «Как одеть малыша, чтобы ему было не холодно и, чтобы он не запарился?»
Снимите с кронштейна прибор и положите в районе ног под комбинезон. Теперь во время прогулки вы сможете контролировать температуру. Если через некоторое время после начала прогулки она поползет вверх, то откиньте немножко одеяло. Таким образом, вы найдёте оптимальные условия, и ваш малыш проспит на свежем воздухе столько, сколько ему требуется. Через некоторое время вы опытным путём подберёте
оптимальные значения температуры при прогулках для любой одежды.
Вам потребовалось забежать в магазин? Ничего страшного. С малышом подежурит папа со своим телефоном. Если у ваших соседей с маленьким ребёнком есть такой же термометр, то вы на прогулке сможете контролировать и друг друга. Чем не интересное занятие для молодых мам?
Вечер. Пора купать малыша. Что сейчас используют все для измерения температуры воды? Плавающий по поверхности жидкостный стеклянный термометр. Но, во-первых, он опасен. Стекло может попасть ребёнку в рот. Во-вторых, он измеряет температуру только на поверхности, а она может на несколько градусов быть ниже, чем в глубине. А температура при купании маленького ребенка – это очень важный параметр и её нужно соблюдать очень строго. В-третьих, крайне неудобно каждый раз наклоняться и рассматривать мокрый циферблат. В конце концов вы забудете это делать и пропустите момент, когда нужно подлить в ванну горячую воду.
The best device for controlling the temperature under the baby’s clothes during walks and bath water when bathing.
Alarm when temperature exceeds the set limits not only in the Application, but also on the device itself.
Sealed case can be installed in water at a depth of 1 m.
Three mounting ways for different applications.
The smallest meter among analogs in the world!
No connection to the device is required to receive data. Anyone who has the Application installed can receive data.
RELSIB WT52 thermometers do not have a power button. To turn the thermometer on or off you should use the magnetic bracket, which comes with the device. If you want to turn on the device, it is enough to remove it from the bracket or install it into the bracket in the “On” position. To turn it off, simply place the device in the bracket in the “Off” position.
The bracket is installed either using a built-in magnet on a metal surface or using double-sided tape from the kit on any surface.
To control the air temperature in the baby’s room: the best place is not far from the crib, in a place protected from direct sunlight and no closer than 2 meters from the heating radiators.
To control the water temperature while bathing the baby: place the thermometer in a silicone holder with a vacuum suction cup and install it with the suction cup on the bathtub at a depth of 15 … 20 cm from the water surface. Just at the level of your baby’s body.
The optimal bathing temperature for babies is 37 ° C. Moreover, this temperature should be maintained throughout the bathing time, from 15 to 35 minutes.
While bathing the child, you can control the temperature both by the color of the LED on the device body and on your smartphone screen, which you can fasten with a sticky tape to the bathroom wall. To get the baby used to colder water, with each bathing it is necessary to lower the temperature by 0.1 ° C, and this can be easily done using a RELSIB WT52 thermometer.
To monitor the temperature outdoors for a longer sleep, at home, put the thermometer under your baby’s clothes in the area of legs. If after a while it goes up, then throw back the blanket a little. Thus, you will find optimal conditions, and your baby will sleep in the fresh air as much as he needs.
Currently, the RELSIB WT52 thermometer works on smartphones with Android OS 5.0 and above. Go to GooglePlay and type “RelSib” in the search box. Select “Termosha Smart Home” in the list of the appearing Applications of our company and install it on your phone. Open the Application.
In a few minutes the App will find all the included WX52 series meters. Click on the button with the number of devices found by the Application. If there are several of them, find your one according to the last digits. numbers indicated on the list.
To easily find the device you need in the list, give it a name. To do it, press the “pencil” button.
What is left is to set the signal thresholds of the measured parameters exceeding which your pone will let you know immediately. Press the “bell” button and set the needed values. For example, 21…24°С. Press the “OK” button. The chosenthresholds will be set both in the app and in the device.
After that the set thresholds will be shown on the main screen. If the temperature values are within thethresholds, you will see a happy green smiley on the screen. When thethresholds are exceeded, your phone will let you know with a sound signal, and the smiley will get red and sad.
* this is 20 times lower than the permitted value for pregnant women and persons under 18 years of age
User manual
Battery change instructions
Declaration of Conformity with the Requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union
Expert report on the sanitary and epidemiological examination
When going for a walk, put the thermometer in the overalls around the legs. Set the comfort temperature alarm thresholds in the Application, for example, + 20… + 25 ° С. And that’s all. Your smartphone will let you know if the temperature is below or above normal. And you can open the blanket or wrap it up tighter in the right time.
Set the temperature alarm thresholds in the Application, for example 36.5… 37.5 ° С. Place the thermometer in the silicone holder and attach it to the bathtub with a suction cup from the inside at a distance of 10 … 20 cm below the water level. During the bathing you will see on your smartphone the water temperature in large numbers and the dynamics of the temperature changes.
A long sleep is a guarantee of a baby’s health. So, the air temperature in the room, where the child sleeps, should be from 18 to 22 ° C. Place the thermometer in a special bracket on the wall near the bed and set the temperature alarm thresholds in the Application. Wherever you are, you will always know what the temperature in the room is.
The device was originally intended for short periods of use: while walking outdoors, bathing, to measure the temperature in a room. For these purposes, the battery of the device is enough for 2 years or more. Therefore, we did not envisage changing the battery.
However, as it turned out, many of our customers want the device to work constantly. That is why, to meet their wishes we have designed a special key for a simple change of the battery. You will find it in the device packaging. Those who are already using the device can also follow the Instructions to change the battery, but instead of a key you can use scissors.
See the Instructions
The electromagnetic radiation power of the WT52 thermometer is no more than 4 dBm (2.5 mWatt), which is absolutely safe for children. It is 20 times lower than the permitted value for pregnant women and persons under 18 years of age.
We also produce the RELSIB WT50 medical Bluetooth thermometer, which has the same radiation characteristics. It passed all the required tests and has a medical certificate.
WT52 Thermometers are always in stock. Delivery time depends on the carrier. Also, keep in mind that there is no shipment on weekends.
Parcels are sent by post two times a week: Tuesday and Thursday. TK SDEK parcels are sipped every day. The delivery time that you see when ordering is the carrier’s promised delivery term.
The warranty period of the RELSIB WT52 thermometer is 12 months. Within this period, reparation and replacement are carried out free of charge, at the expense of the manufacturer. Payment for the delivery of the repaired or replaced products is also made by NPK Relsib.
Call us now if you are in a medical emergency need, we will reply swiftly and provide you with a medical aid.